«Samruk-Energy» today

«Samruk-Energy» joint-stock company (hereinafter – «Samruk-Energy» JSC or the Company) was established on April 18, 2007 by resolution of general meeting of founders in order to develop and implement a long-term state policy on upgrading of existing and introduction of new generating facilities. The founders of the Company at the time of its establishment were «Kazakhstan holding for management of state assets «Samruk» JSC and «KazTransGaz» JSC.

“The Company faces the challenge of creating a balanced development model that includes the optimal ratio of energy supply to domestic consumers and exports, while combining high economic efficiency, innovative development and advanced standards of social responsibility.”

Zhulamanov Bakitzhan Tolevzhanovich

Chairman of the Management Board of «Samruk-Energy» JSC

Main products:

Electricity production

Heat production

Transmission and distribution of electricity

Production of steam coal

Production capacity

The installed capacity of "Samruk-Energy" JSC power plants made 6 215 MW in 2021, representing 26 % of the total installed capacity of power plants of the RK UES.
Electricity generation volumes made 35 609 million kWh, which is 31 % of the total electricity production across the RK UES for 2021.
Sale of heat by power plants of “Samruk-Energy” JSC amounted to 5 766.0 thousand Gcal in 2021.

The length of 0,4 - 220 kV PTL, km:

25 259,77 km

Overhead PTL

5 317,22 km

Cable PTL

30 576,99 km

Total PTL length


Data on 220 kV and below substations:

35 kV

above substation

7112,46 MVA

Full capacity. Q-ty — 207.

6-10/04 кВ


2841,61 МВА

Full capacity. Q-ty — 7158.

Key markets

Key markets for products (wholesale and retail electricity markets, local thermal power markets) and services of “Samruk-Energy” JSC subsidiaries and affiliates by the RK UES zones:
• Northern zone - Akmola, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay, Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan regions and Astana city
• Southern zone - Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan regions and Almaty city
• Western zone - Mangistau region
In addition, produced steam coal is sold in Kazakhstan’s domestic market and is exported to the Russian Federation.
Сонымен қатар, өндірілетін энергетикалық көмір Қазақстанның ішкі нарығында сатылып, Ресей Федерациясына экспортталады.