Samruk-Energy values its reputation and insists that its staff and contractors adhere to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.
Reporting and addressing suspected violations of the law, of Samruk-Kazyna’s general business principles, or of The Code of conduct of “Samruk-Energy” JSC is of critical importance in protecting the reputation of our company.
In accordance with the Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy of JSC "Samruk-Energy", you can report theft, fraud, corruption or other violations of the general business principles and the Code of Conduct of Samruk-Energy by:
- clicking on "Make a report" button below;
- sending an e-mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; or - calling 8 800 080 47 47; or
- WhatsApp 8 771 191 88 16; or
- Web-site www.sk-hotline.kz
All submissions are collected and processed by an independent company
Reports received via this Hotline will be passed to the "Compliance" Service with in Samruk-Energy, who will ensure they are dealt with in a professional and confidential manner. You will be asked to provide your identity and contact information to enable your query or concern to be handled most effectively, however, anonymous reports will be accepted.
The Hotline is available to suppliers, partners, advisors and staff members of Samruk-Energy and its subsidiaries.
Thank you for your cooperation!