Study visit to the Pavlodar aluminum smelter

Study visit to the Pavlodar aluminum smelter

In accordance with the instructions of Satkaliyev A.M., the Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC, the 2022 year was declared the “Year of occupational health and safety” at the group of the Fund’s portfolio companies.

To pursue the course adopted by the Fund, “Samruk-Energy” JSC Occupational Safety and Health Department continues cooperation within the scope of a memorandum in occupational health and safety concluded with “Eurasian Group” LLP.

In this vein, structural units in charge of OSH issues at “AlES” JSC, “AZhC” JSC, “ESDPP-2” JSC,  “ESDPP-1” LLP, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, “Moynak HPP” JSC and “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, made a study visit to the Pavlodar aluminum smelter, one of the subsidiaries of “ERG” LLP.

The main production workshops, a training area, a video monitoring center, a protective clothing showroom, etc. were visited during the acquaintance.

After getting acquainted with the structural units of the plant, the parties discussed occupational health and safety issues, the organization and operation of an occupational health system, and the investigation of accidents and incidents. “ERG” LLP employees highly rated the opportunity to exchange experience, share opinions in OSH, and expressed their willingness to continue cooperation.

Participants of the activity stated an opinion on the role of the memorandum as one of the key driving forces for preventing occupational injuries.