Working Meeting of "SAMRUK-ENERGY" JSC Group of Companies on Electricity Market Changes

Working Meeting of "SAMRUK-ENERGY" JSC Group of Companies on Electricity Market Changes

In April 2023, changes were made to the "Power industry" law in Kazakhstan, introducing the "Single Buyer" target market model for centralized electricity purchase and sale, along with a real-time balancing electricity market.

The Ministry of Energy is currently working on appropriate amendments to the by-laws.

In response, a two-day working meeting was held on May 25-26, 2023 in Almaty city, at “AlmatyEnergoSbyt” LLP office. Representatives from the Head office, “Samruk-Energy” JSC, “Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after B. Nurzhanov” LLP, “Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC, “Almaty Power Plants” JSC, “Moynak HPP” JSC, “Samruk Green Energy” LLP, “Alatau Zharyk Company” JSC, “AlmatyEnergoSbyt” LLP, “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, “First Wind Power Plant” LLP, and “Qazaq Green Power” LLP arrived to take part in the development, review, and discussion of by-laws.

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The adopted amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On power industry," which regulate the transition to the new target market model "Single Purchaser," involving centralized purchase and sale of electricity, and the operation of the balancing electricity market in real-time mode from July 1, 2023, were considered during the working meeting.

Additionally, discussions were held about the possibility of creating a balance provider, responsible for financial settlements in the balancing electricity market for both its own imbalances and those of other electricity market participants.

During the course of the working meeting, participants further engaged in discussions regarding the market changes associated with the implementation of the Single Purchaser and the balancing electricity market in the RK. Additionally, they addressed the modifications to the Rules governing the provision of services by the system operator and the organization and operation of the market for system and auxiliary services.

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The working meeting proved to be effective, with consultations aimed at preparing for outreach campaigns to regions between May 29 and June 13, 2023, involving “KEGOC” JSC, “KECMO” JSC, and “SFC” LLP, to ensure information dissemination among entities of the wholesale electricity market. A list of questions and proposals for draft laws and regulations regarding the Single Buyer and the balancing electricity market was also compiled.