Samruk-Green Energy in the database of the "ECOJER" Association

Samruk-Green Energy in the database of the "ECOJER" Association

"Samruk-Green Energy" LLP, a company within the structure of "Samruk-Energy" JSC has registered its solar power plant in the database of "ECOJER" Association to obtain green electricity certificates known as I-REC.

"Samruk-Green Energy" LLP functions as a company in the renewable energy sector and recognizes how its actions influence the country's economy, natural surroundings, and society. With this primary goal in mind, the company has established an ongoing dedication to sustainable development principles. This dedication supports the advancement of a balanced alignment of stakeholders' concerns and the application of a risk-oriented approach to management. This approach is aimed at achieving lasting value growth and strengthening competitiveness over the long term.

As part of its support for ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principles, Samruk-Green Energy has registered four stations in the "ECOJER" Association's database to acquire I-REC green electricity certificates.

I-REC certificates validate information about electricity generation from renewable sources and can prove beneficial for both certificate buyers and electricity generators.

 Companies purchasing I-REC certificates can declare a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity production. In turn, organizations producing green electricity gain a new market-based mechanism for financial support.

I-REC certificates are issued based on an international standard developed by The International REC Foundation and are recognized by GHGP, CDP, RE100, ISO, and others.