In accordance with the Program for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s power industry until 2030, a decision on construction of 3000 MW Balkhash Thermal Power Plant (Project) including a potential increase in the capacity up to 4000 MW was made in 2007. The site for construction of Balkhash TPP JSC by “Samruk-Energy” JSC is located 200 kilometers south of Balkhash city, on the territory of Almaty region in Ulken village in the place of anticipated construction of South-Kazakhstan SDPP (YuKGRES).
Substantiation of the need to build Balkhash thermal power plant is determined by power and capacity shortage and power in Southern zone inhabited by more than 40% of Kazakhstan’s population.
A shareholder of "Balkhash TPP" JSC is "Samruk-Energy" JSC - 100% of shares.
Current status:
- Actitivities on arranging of the project's financing are carried out.