Head of Samruk-Energy participates in the 64th CIS Electric Power Council meeting

Head of Samruk-Energy participates in the 64th CIS Electric Power Council meeting

The 64th meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States Electric Power Council (CIS EPC) took place in St. Petersburg, aligned with the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The CIS EPC primarily focuses on establishing a unified legal framework for electric power among CIS member states, aiming to enhance and develop regulatory standards.

The objective of the CIS EPC is to promote collaborative and coordinated efforts among CIS member states in the electric power sector. This collaboration is crucial to ensuring a stable and reliable power supply for both the economies and populations of the member states, facilitated by the effective integration of their electric power systems.

Key attendees included Kazakhstan's Minister of Energy Satkaliyev A.M., Russia's Minister of Energy Tsivilev S.E., various Ministers and Deputy Ministers from CIS countries, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Samruk-Energy Maxutov K.B., Chairman of the CIS EPC Executive Committee Kupchikov T.V., CIS Deputy Secretary General Trefilov D.A., and representatives from Inter RAO, Rosatom, RusHydro, among others.

The meeting addressed the election of the President of the CIS Electric Power Council and featured thematic reports on several critical and relevant topics, including:

- Modern trends in power industry and the benefits of integration, highlighting industrial potential.

- Current developments in energy supply for large cities and urban agglomerations.

- The potential of nuclear energy in meeting climate commitments of countries and companies, and the advancement of production chains.

- Research on the absorption capacity of hydroelectric power station reservoirs, and the implementation of the STO organization standard "System for assessing the compliance of operated hydropower facilities with sustainable development criteria" across CIS countries.

- Identification, assessment, and adaptation measures for climate risks.

At the conclusion of the meeting, participants endorsed the decision to convene the next 65th meeting of the CIS EPC in December 2024.