Repair works at Alatau Zharyq Company are proceeding according to schedule.

Repair works at Alatau Zharyq Company are proceeding according to schedule.

The Territorial Department of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of Almaty Region has inspected the progress of repair works at Alatau Zharyq Company. 


As part of monitoring the execution of repair works for the preparation of the 2024-2025 heating season, officials from the Territorial Department of the Committee conducted a site visit to Alatau Zharyq Company, where major repairs were carried out. 


This year in Almaty Region, Alatau Zharyq Company has planned major repairs of 123 km of power transmission lines, 7 substations, 124 transformers, and 75 distribution points. The works are being conducted according to the schedule. 


Teams from Alatau Zharyq Company engaged in the repair works are fully equipped with vehicles, specialized equipment, and machinery. Personnel is provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment. The workforce consists of 234 individuals and 44 pieces of equipment. 


Source: Official website of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan