Проектно-сметная документация, прошедшая экспертизу по планируемым закупкам работ (2)

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Samruk-Energy values its reputation and insists that its staff and contractors adhere to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.​

Reporting and addressing suspected violations of the law, of Samruk-Kazyna’s general business principles, or of The Code of conduct of “Samruk-Energy” JSC is of critical importance in protecting the reputation of our company.

In accordance with the Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy of JSC "Samruk-Energy", you can report theft, fraud, corruption or other violations of the general business principles and the Code of Conduct of Samruk-Energy by:

  • clicking on "Make a report" button below; 
  • sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or
  • calling 8 800 080 47 47; or
  • WhatsApp 8 771 191 88 16; or
  • Web-site www.sk-hotline.kz

All submissions are collected and processed by an independent company​

Reports received via this Hotline will be passed to the "Compliance" Service with in Samruk-Energy, who will ensure they are dealt with in a professional and confidential manner. You will be asked to provide your identity and contact information to enable your query or concern to be handled most effectively, however, anonymous reports will be accepted.

The Hotline is available to suppliers, partners, advisors and staff members of Samruk-Energy and its subsidiaries.​

Thank you for your cooperation!

Make a report

The development strategy

Strategic development directions and goals of the Company:

Energy security


Energy transition

Sustainable development

Mission, Vision and Values of the Company


We ensure the country’s energy security and facilitate an accelerated energy transition by adhering to the principles of sustainable development and efficient resource management.


A highly efficient and innovative leader in the power industry, shaping a favorable ecosystem for all stakeholders based on principles of reliable partnership, care for people, and environmental stewardship.

Strategic goals:

1. Meet the growing demand of the economy for electricity and power capacity.
2. Enhance the efficiency of operational, financial, and investment activities.
3. Lead in the development of renewable energy sources and minimize environmental impact.
4. Uphold the highest standards of ESG practices.



A questionnaire regarding your company's adherence to social and environmental standards and legislation

Dear Supplier,

Our company affirms commitment to the ten principles outlined by the UN Global Compact and actively supports the sustainable development goals and initiatives set by the United Nations.

We operate with transparency, strict adherence to the law, honesty, and efficiency.

In line with these principles, our company highly values and encourages the following principles and provisions in the operations of our suppliers:

- Foster an inclusive work environment that promotes equality and does not tolerate any form of discrimination, acknowledging and valuing the contributions of each individual.

- Uphold human rights in accordance with the law, the UN Universal Declaration, and the underlying principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

- Manage business operations in a manner that ensures the safety and well-being of employees and the general public.

- Prohibit any involvement of child labor or any form of forced labor.

- Comply with relevant environmental and social regulations and standards.

- Demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainable development principles by utilizing environmentally friendly materials, emphasizing energy and water conservation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and handling environmentally hazardous substances (materials, preparations, products) safely through appropriate labeling, handling, transportation, storage, and disposal practices.

- Develop and implement an environmental policy and conduct business activities in line with the policy.

- Consider the origin, composition, and sustainability of purchased products, as well as the ethical aspects and sustainability of the production and transportation processes. Whenever feasible, utilize materials with recognized ethical, sustainability, and supply chain certifications, such as ISO 14001, FSC, PEFC, EPD, among others.

- Strive to utilize resources in an intelligent and responsible manner, integrating this approach throughout the supply chain and business operations.

Our company refrains from providing unfair advantages or privileges to our business partners and maintains strong business relationships based on mutually beneficial outcomes. When selecting suppliers, we follow an open and transparent process, prioritizing the most favorable combination of price, quality of goods/services, and the supplier's solid reputation and we adhere to the Procedure for Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services of Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC  as well as organizations in which “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC directly or indirectly holds fifty percent or more of voting shares or participatory interests, based on ownership or trust management, approved by the Board of Directors of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC.

This Supplier Questionnaire serves as a mandatory tool to assess suppliers' compliance with social and environmental regulations and laws. It ensures that all suppliers associated with our company meet the required standards.

“Samruk-Energy” JSC is committed to preventing violations of human rights and environmental standards in all its operations. It strongly encourage its suppliers and contractors to ensure the following within their organizations: 

  • health and safety of all employees; 
  • adherence to the Labor Code of Kazakhstan regarding working hours; 
  • freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining; 
  • provision of acceptable living conditions; 
  • compliance with environmental laws and regulations; 
  • prohibition of illegal child labor and forced labor. 

Our stance on collaboration with third parties is detailed in our Code of Conduct, available at the following link: https://www.samruk-energy.kz/en/company/corporate-governance/corporate-governance-main-en/compliance-service 

A questionnaire regarding your company's adherence to social and environmental standards and legislation