photo13 Bogatyr komir

Project Purpose:

The project involves a phased transition of the Bogatyr open pit mine to a flow technology of coal delivery by conveyor transport to near-surface averaging warehouses, followed by its loading at surface loading facilities. Increase the production capacity of the enterprise. Replace worn-out fixed assets at coal shipment, crushing and transporting.

Implementation period: 2013-2023.

Expected impact:

- Increase in production capacity of Bogatyr open pit mine from 32 million tons to 40 million tons of coal per year;

- Increase in labour productivity by 25%;

- Reduction of wagon turnover time by 2.5 times (from 14.3 to 5.4 hours) and introduction of processes for precise loading of coal without uncoupling of railway trains.

Current project status:

ThyssenKrupp equipment has been 100% delivered; construction and installation works have been completed. Start-up and adjustment works of electrical equipment of the following facilities are in progress: Stacker, Crushing and Trans loading points, hoisting belt conveyor, drum reclaimer. In December 2022, a test run with coal shipment to Astana CHPP was made.

Planned activities under the Project:

- Completion of commissioning works - III quarter of 2023.

- Commissioning - IV quarter 2023.

The Project "Reconstruction of cable grids in Almaty"

 photo12 AJK podstanc

Project Purpose:

Reducing the level of wear and tear of power grids.

Reconstruction, modernisation and new construction in order to increase transformer capacity and cover the capacity deficit for new and existing consumers.

Reconstruction of power grids with replacement of overloaded and expired cable networks not requiring connection of new consumers in order to increase reliability of power supply and reduce technological failures.

Description of the project:

The total number of 10-6-0.4kV cable lines across Almaty is 4,424 km. According to GOST, the service life of power cables is 30 years.

Currently, 2,478.76 kilometres of 10-6-0.4kV cable lines in Almaty or 56% of the total volume of cable lines have service life of more than 30 years.

In general, 948 kilometres of cable lines in Almaty have service life over 50 years.

Worn-out lines lead to an annual increase in the number of accidents and frequent interruptions in power supply, which leads to under-supply of electricity and additional costs for emergency recovery work. The main causes of damage are ageing of insulation, breach of tightness, corrosive deterioration of cable sheathing.

Within the framework of this project it is planned to carry out measures on reconstruction of cable networks 10-6-0,4kV for the total amount of 83 300 000 thousand tenge excluding VAT with the total volume of reconstruction of networks about 933 km.


Construction and installation works are being carried out on 11 objects having DED with the length of 267 km.   Adjustment of the design and construction plans for 4 objects is underway.

Implementation terms: 2022-2030.

Operation: 2024-2030.

Planned activities:

Phased design and construction and installation works 2023-2030.

The Project "Expansion of the existing 45 MW wind farm "Ereymentau-1" by two wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, near Ereymentau city, Ereymentau district of Akmola region”

photo11 Erementau VES 

The project title: "Expansion of the existing 45 MW wind farm "Ereymentau-1" by two wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, near Ereymentau city, Ereymentau district, Akmola region"

The project implementation goal: The project addresses one of production tasks of Samruk-Energy JSC - minimization of adverse environmental impact through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of implementing such projects is among the priorities for meeting international commitments of the Republic of Kazakhstan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a party since 1997. The implementation of the Project is in line with the mission and main strategic goals of “Samruk-Energy” JSC

Implementation period: 2019-2023

The project description:

The data including full monthly reports received from met mast, which was installed near Ereymentau city at the site of the proposed Project, were verified from 2016 to 2017.  According to the data obtained, the average wind speed is 7,8 m/s.

Status: At present, an agreement for the development of design and estimate documentation (DED) have been concluded.

Planned activities:

- Obtaining a positive conclusion on the design and estimate documentation from RSE "Gosexpertiza"

- Supply and installation of WTs, completion of construction and installation works.

- Commissioning – 4th quarter of 2023

Project "Construction of 60 MW wind power plant in the Shelek corridor including a possible increase up to 300 MW"

photo10 Shelekjpg

The project title: "Construction of 60 MW wind power plant in the Shelek corridor including a possible increase up to 300 MW."

The project implementation goal: The project addresses one of production tasks of Samruk-Energy JSC - minimization of adverse environmental impact through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of implementing such projects is among the priorities for meeting international commitments of the Republic of Kazakhstan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a party since 1997. The implementation of the Project is in line with the mission and main strategic goals of “Samruk-Energy” JSC

The project description: The selected site near the Nurly village of Enbekshikazakh district of Almaty region is suitable for the construction of a wind farm, as there is a good wind potential with an average speed of 8.1 m/s. The possibility of connecting to power grids for WPP’s power production has been agreed.

Implementation period: 2011-2022

Status: The following works have been completed:

- construction of on-site roads and access roads 95%;

- work on pouring foundations for 24 wind turbines 100%;

- installation of 8 wind turbines 100%;

- construction of a 110kV overhead line from SS-110/35kV "WPP Shelek 60MW" to SS-220/110/10kV No. 68I "Shelek" by 98% and OHL-35kV  90%;

- construction and installation works relating to SS-110/35kV "WPP" 90%.

Planned activities:

Complete the installation of 16 wind turbines and installation works for SS-110/35kV, 110kV overhead lines, 35kV overhead lines

Commissioning – 3rd quarter of 2022


photo9 EWP

The project title: “Construction of 50 MW wind power plant in the vicinity of Ereymentau city”.

The project implementation goal: The project addresses one of production tasks of “Samruk-Energy” JSC - minimization of adverse environmental impact through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of implementing such projects is among the priorities for meeting international commitments of the Republic of Kazakhstan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to which the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a party since 1997. The implementation of the Project is in line with the mission and main strategic goals of “Samruk-Energy” JSC:

- Reliable and high-quality supply of electricity produced using renewable energy sources;

- Design and construction of facilities for the use of renewable energy sources;

- Production and sale of electrical energy using renewable energy sources.

The project description: The selected site near Ereymentau city fits for the construction of a wind power plant because of good wind potential with an average speed of 8.5 m/s. Possibility of connecting to power grids for output of WPP power has been agreed.


Implementation period: 2011-2022


Status: Currently, the works on the construction of access and on-site roads, setting of installation sites for wind turbines (wind turbine foundations), on the reconstruction of existing power lines and laying of 35 kV cable lines, on the construction of SS-220 / 35 kV (CR, CCR, SCP buildings have been built) are underway.


Planned events:

- Supply and installation of wind turbines, completion of construction and installation works for SS-220/35kV and overhead lines 220kV.

- Commissioning – 4th quarter of 2022.


photo8 Kerebulak GES 

The project goal: Creation of a reservoir-counter-regulator in the downstream of the Kapshagay HPP to equalize uneven weekly-daily releases of the Kapshagay HPP and transfer of Kapshagay HPP to the mode of covering peak loads using all available capacity in Almaty energy system and in South energy zone of Kazakhstan., which experience shortage in capacity and energy.  

Improvement of environmental situation in the lower reaches of the Ili River by applying a uniform regime of daily releases from the reservoir-counter-regulator.

Implementation period: 2021-2026

The project description:

  • Increase by 110 MW of the regulating capacity of the Kapchagay HPP;
  • Generation of additional volumes of electricity at the Kerbulak HPP;
  • Income from the sale of the regulating capacity of the Kapshagay HPP in the amount of 110 MW


At present, the activities on the development of the Project’s FS and obtaining a tariff that secure the project’s payback, is underway.

Project "Reconstruction and modernization of the Cascade of HPPs of "APP" JSC


The project description: Replacement of obsolete and worn-out equipment for reliable energy supply of consumers with electricity and maximum use of Big Almaty river’s energy capacity.

The project goal:

  • increase in installed capacity by 7,5 MW;
  • increase in electricity production by 41,7 mln. kWh annually;
  • ensuring the reliability and safety of operation of the HPP Cascade;
  • owing to an increase in electricity generation by the HPP Cascade, combustion of energy resources (coal, gas, etc.) by thermal power plants will reduce;
  • providing consumers of Almaty city and Almaty region with reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity in accordance with load schedules.

The project implementation period: 2022-2027


photo7 GRES 2

The project goal: Increasing the plant's installed capacity by 636 MW for reliable power supply to the Republic of Kazakhstan сonsumers.

The project description:

Improving the reliability of energy supply to industry, residential sector, and the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, increasing the export potential, increasing the energy security and energy independence of the country.

Implementation period: 2010-2025


Currently, arrangements for delivery of equipment stored in China are underway. At the same time, the measures on receiving a tariff that ensures the payback of the project are taken;, an application for receiving an individual tariff was submitted to the RK Market Council on January 28, 2022.

Planned activities:

Sign an investment agreement with the RK ME

Complete delivery of the equipment

Attract debt financing

Construction and installation works


photo6 GRES 1

The project description: In October 1996, the power unit was decommissioned. The downtime of the power unit without its conservation was about 24 years. Most of the units of the main and auxiliary equipment were dismantled. Most of the unit's auxiliary equipment is missing due to its use for repair and restoration work of other power units. The boiler, turbine and the rest of the auxiliary equipment are now obsolete, have undergone corrosive and erosive wear and are inapplicable for further operation.

The project “Rehabilitation of power unit No. 1 with the installation of new electrostatic precipitators” is aimed at the construction of a power unit with an installed capacity of 500 MW with the installation of new electrostatic precipitators, which will increase the installed capacity of GRES-1 to 4 000 MW.

The project goals:

  • growth of current capacity up to 4000 MW;
  • creation of new jobs;
  • secure compliance with environmental standards through the installation of electrostatic precipitators
  • increasing the reliability of equipment operation and reducing the risk of accidents
  • cover the shortage of electricity in the Unified Energy System of Kazakhstan


Construction and installation works are underway.

It is planned to carry out pre-commissioning activities.

The project implementation period: 2012-2023

Project "Reconstruction of the Almaty CHP-3 based on CCGT unit with an increase in the plant’s capacity up to 450 MW"

photo3 TES 3

The project goal: The project "Reconstruction of the Almaty CHP-3 based on CCGT unit with an increase in the station's capacity to 450 MW" is implemented in accordance with the roadmap for a comprehensive solution of environmental issues in Nur-Sultan and Almaty cities.

The project description: Reconstruction of the Almaty CHP-3 including construction of  450 MW CCGT unit to partially cover the shortage of maneuvering capacities in the southern zone of Kazakhstan. In order to provide consumers of Almaty city and Almaty region with a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat in accordance with load schedules and temperature conditions.

Implementation period: 2021-2024

Status: Public hearings on the results of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment as part of the Project’s FS were held as open meeting on January 14, 2022. A feasibility study is under development. The project’s FS considers the use of GTP + RB and / or 450 MW CCGT including the ability to operate in a maneuverable mode.

To ensure the completion of the construction of the new station at the ACHP-3 site, in December 2024, “AlES” JSC plans to conclude an EPC contract. The conclusion of the EPC contract is planned through an open international two-stage tender by holding a reversed auction.

The Project “Retrofit of Shardarinsk HPP”

photo5 SHARGES

The project description: The project relates to power industry and focuses on ensuring reliable operation of the existing hydropower plant and increasing capacity to cover the energy needs in the region. The project was implemented to upgrade the existing production by retrofitting the existing HPP equipment using up-to-date technologies, which resulted in an increase in the capacity of the hydropower plant from 100 MW to 126 MW, greater reliability of its operation and reduction of the risk of accidents.

The project goals:

  • Replacement of obsolete equipment to increase the performance and safety of the plant’s operation;
  • an increase in the station's installed capacity by 26% (from 100 MW to 126 MW) and electricity generation to cover the growing electricity supply shortage in the region;
  • increasing the efficiency of the station by reducing the direct costs associated with the repair and maintenance of equipment;
  • Increasing the station's capacity by upgrading the existing equipment;
  • improve reliability of equipment operation and mitigate the risk of accidents.

The project implementation period: 2010-2020


The Certificate on acceptance of the power facility into operation was signed on August 28, 2020.