Project "Reconstruction and modernization of the Cascade of HPPs of "APP" JSC

Project "Reconstruction and modernization of the Cascade of HPPs of "APP" JSC


The project description: Replacement of obsolete and worn-out equipment for reliable energy supply of consumers with electricity and maximum use of Big Almaty river’s energy capacity.

The project goal:

  • increase in installed capacity by 7,5 MW;
  • increase in electricity production by 41,7 mln. kWh annually;
  • ensuring the reliability and safety of operation of the HPP Cascade;
  • owing to an increase in electricity generation by the HPP Cascade, combustion of energy resources (coal, gas, etc.) by thermal power plants will reduce;
  • providing consumers of Almaty city and Almaty region with reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity in accordance with load schedules.

The project implementation period: 2022-2027