The Project "Modernization of Almaty CHP-2 including reduction of environmental footprint"

The Project "Modernization of Almaty CHP-2 including reduction of environmental footprint"

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The project goal: Reducing the negative environmental impact of Almaty CHP-2 on the environmental situation in Almaty city by transfer the station to firing natural gas. In order to provide consumers of Almaty city and Almaty region with a reliable and uninterrupted supply of heat and electricity in accordance with load

The project description: Construction of the new station using gas turbine technologies with a capacity of up to 600 MW at the site of Almaty CHP-2. The project is implemented to execute the instructions of N.A. Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy No. 17-01-7.8 dated September 20, 2017, as well as in pursuance of the order of Tokayev K.K, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2021 to ensure the construction of the new combined cycle gas turbine unit at Almaty CHP-2 with commissioning in December 2023.

Implementation period: 2022-2026


"Samruk-Energy" JSC conducts negotiations and carries out preparatory activities for arranging of financing. As of today, arranging of financing with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter - the EBRD) is considered in detail.

As part of the ongoing work, the EBRD is dealing with detailed study of the Project at a level sufficient to make a decision on its possible financing.

EBRD consultants conducted An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and submitted a report that includes the following materials:

  1. Environmental and Social Action Plan for Modernisation of CHP 2;
  2. Non-Technical Summary;
  3. Resettlement Framework;
  4. Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
  5. Report on possible Environmental impacts.

Status: A positive conclusion on FS of the project was received from RSE "Gosexpertiza" on December 30, 2021.

To ensure the completion of the construction of a new station at the ACHP-2 site within the planned time frame, “APP” JSC plans to conclude an EPC contract with an individual plan for the phased development of design and estimated documentation and obtaining an approval from an authorized body with the support of experts.

The implementation of the Project jointly with the EBRD, exclusively based on an open international two-stage tender, ensures transparency, and obtains the most competitive final cost.