A new project is implemented in the Ekibastuz coal basin

At present, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP is implementing the project "cyclical-and-continuous method for coal mining at “Bogatyr" open-pit mine” (CCM), which is expected to finish in the first quarter of 2022.  Bakitzhan Zhulamanov, the Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC, informed this today during his speech at the Committee for Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship of the Senate of the RK Parliament.

In 2020, even taking into account a temporary decrease in coal shipments in the summer, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP plans to ship 42 mln. tons of coal to consumers, which corresponds to the design capacity of the enterprise.


After the implementation of the CCM project, the design capacity of “Bogatyr Komir” LLP will be 50 mln. tons of coal per year, which will provide current and future coal needs of the power plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

The CCM project involves the introduction of an auto-conveyor technology for coal mining, which will increase the production capacity of “Bogatyr” open-pit mine. The new technology will improve the quality characteristics of products, provide weighted accuracy of loading of coal into railway cars, and reduce threefold the turnaround time of cars at coal loading.

The head of Samruk-Energy noted that the need for a fundamental change in the technology of coal mining at the “Bogatyr” open-pit mine is connected with reaching the depth of mining works, whereby the existing coal transportation scheme is inefficient, and the main mining equipment has reached the end of its service life and needs to be updated.

“In accordance with the schedule for the construction of CCM, the works on the construction and installation of conveyor overpasses crossing the railway lines, as well as on the dismantling of two coal railway sections for foundations of CCM project facilities are planned to be performed in May through August of 2020. These measures will lead to a temporary limitation of coal transportation capacity and, consequently, to 30%  decrease in the production capacity of  “Bogatyr” open-pit mine from May to August 2020, from September to the end of the year by 10%,-  ”Bakizhan Zhulamanov said.

The issues of power industry and the uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumers were discussed today in the Senate of the RK Parliament during a meeting of members of the Committee for Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, the Committee for International Relations, Defense and Security with authorized agencies.

“Samruk-Energy” JSC and the Russian UC “RusAl” manage “Bogatyr Komir” LLP on a parity basis. The company conducts open-pit coal mining at two open-pit mines, Bogatyr and Severny in Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan. The balance reserves of Bogatyr Komir LLP are 2,75 billion tons. The annual production capacity of the enterprise is 42 mln.tons, including Bogatyr mine produces 32 million tons and Severny mine – 10 mln.tons.

The company employs almost 6.5 thousand people. According to the 2018 results, the company's share is about 40% (44.9 mln. tons) of the total coal mined in Kazakhstan and 59% of the coal mined in the Ekibastuz coal basin.

For reference:

“Samruk-Energy” JSC is the largest power holding company in Kazakhstan, 100% owned by “Samruk-Kazyna” SWF JSC. It was established in 2007. Core business: electricity and heat production; transmission, distribution and sale of electricity, power coal mining. The holding company comprises energy and coal enterprises, including “Ekibastuz SDPP-1” LLP, “Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, “Almaty Power Plants” JSC, “Moynak Hydropower Plant named after U.D. Kantayev” JSC, “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, etc.


Government Relations and Communications Office of “Samruk-Energy” JSC.

Tel: (7172) 55-30-62; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A trial run of hydraulic unit No.4 was successfully performed at Shardarinsk HPP

Power engineers of Shardarinsk hydropower plant (HPP) together with partners from Andritz Hydro Gmbh completed the installation of the new hydraulic unit No. 4. This is the final stage of the project on fundamental retrofit of the facility, as a result of which the plant's capacity will increase by 26%.

Today, after the pilot launch, test runs of the new hydraulic unit No. 4 are underway. Specialists monitor the operation of the turbine and analyze the results obtained.

According to experts, the new equipment will allow generating an additional 57 mln. kWh / year of electricity, which will increase the service life of the hydropower plant up to 35-40 years, as well as enhance the reliability of operation of the HPP and reduce the accident rate.

Old hydro turbines manufactured by Kharkiv plant (Ukraine), which served more than half a century, were replaced with new ones produced by the Austrian-German company ANDRITZ Hydro Gmbh. New hydraulic units will contribute to an increase in electricity generation by Shardarinsk HPP from 480 to 537 mln. kWh per annum.

Technological renovation of the facility is of great importance for providing electricity to experiencing power shortages Turkestan region and increasing the efficiency of water use in the region. The total cost of the project is 38 bln. tenge. 32% of funding is secured using own funds of “Samruk-Energy” JSC, 68% - borrowed funds. The contractor of the project - Austrian-German Company Andritz Hydro Gmbh.

Owing to the commissioning of the first two hydraulic units with a capacity of 31,5 MW each in the first half of 2019, Shardarinsk HPP hit the annual electricity generation plan ahead of schedule - with planned 378 000 thous.kWh, electricity generation was 464 841 thous. kWh.

 Shardarinsk HPP was commissioned in 1967 with an installed capacity of 100 MW and 4 hydraulic units. With a standard service life of 25 years, the plant's technological equipment has been in operation for more than half a century, and from the economics and operation reliability perspective, further operation of the equipment was unfeasible.

The first 31,5 MW hydraulic unit was launched in February 2019, then the second hydraulic unit was launched in April, and the third one was commissioned in December 2019. After the installation of the fourth hydraulic turbine and completion of its trial runs, Shardarinsk  HPP will be preparing to reach its design capacity for electricity generation - 126 MW.

“Samruk-Energy” JSC is the largest power holding company in Kazakhstan, 100% owned by “Samruk-Kazyna” SWF JSC. It was established in 2007. Core business: electricity and heat production; transmission, distribution and sale of electricity, power coal mining. The holding company comprises energy and coal enterprises, including “Ekibastuz SDPP-1” LLP, “Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, “Almaty Power Plants” JSC, “Moynak Hydropower Plant named after U.D. Kantayev” JSC, “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, etc.


Government Relations and Communications Office of “Samruk-Energy” JSC.

Tel: (7172) 55-30-62; 8 (7172) 55-30-66

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ekibastuz SDPP-2 introduces an Integrated Planning System (IPS)

The second wave of implementation of the project on the introduction of an integrated planning system of “Samruk-Energy” JSC Digital Transformation Program has commenced.

“Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC is implementing an integrated planning system (IPS) of “Samruk-Energy” JSC Digital Transformation Program. Ruslan Kusainov, the manager of the project on the introduction of IPS   introduced the project team, stated goals and tasks at the kick-off meeting.  According to experts’ estimates, the expected benefit from the project at Ekibastuz SDPP-2 will be circa 1 bln. tenge.

“The project “An integrated Planning System” dates back to 2017, when the first wave of implementation was launched. This tool allows us to get closer to the status of an operating holding company,” said Serik Tutebayev, Project Sponsor, and Managing Director for Production and Asset Management of “Samruk-Energy” JSC.

IPS allows setting goals for the medium term and searching for a most preferable scenario for the development of the Company by balancing production, technological, economic and financial indicators. As of today, the system has been successfully implemented at two Samruk-Energy subsidiaries – “Ekibastuz State District Power Plant-1” LLP and “Moynak HPP” JSC. This project changed the approach to planning production costs at power plants, which lead to their reduction by 2%, and the net benefits from sales amounted to about 8 bln. tenge.

The new Collective Agreement was signed at “Samruk-Energy”

The Collective Agreement for 2020-2022 was signed at the head office of “Samruk-Energy” JSC. Bakitzhan Zhulamanov, the Chairman of the Management Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC and Orazbek Bekbas, the Chairman of “Samruk-Energy” Local Trade Union vised the document.


The collective agreement regulates social and labor relations between the employer and the company's employees for the next three years.

According to Orazbek Bekbas, the representative of the company’s employees, the trade union leader, the new edition of 2020-2022 Collective Agreement was supplemented by the clauses governing the activities of the Conciliation Commission, its roles and responsibilities and capabilities. Moreover, the amount of monthly allowance for temporary disability of an employee was increased to thirty times the MCI.

 энерго подписание коллективного договора 2020

“A conciliation commission is established in a controversial situation - if an employee does not agree with the actions of an employer, then he submits an application to the Conciliation Commission. It comprises representatives of an employer and employees, on pari passu, and the trade union. For instance, if an employer or an employee does not agree with the decision of the Conciliation Commission, one of the parties may go to judicial authorities,” said Orazbek Bekbas, the Chairman of “Samruk-Energy” Local Trade Union договор самрук энерго

The collective agreement influences the interests of 212 employees of “Samruk-Energy” JSC. We would like to highlight that this document is one of the best in the country - it was included in list of “Paryz” republican contest nominees in 2015.