Power engineers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan met in Astana

Representatives from "Samruk-Energy" JSC attended the meeting of the heads of the energy and water supply government agencies of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan to discuss the collaboration between the three nations in these areas.

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Almassadam Satkaliyev, the Republic of Kazakhstan's Minister of Energy, and Galidulla Azidullin, the RK Vice Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, both attended the negotiations on behalf of the Kazakh side. Kairat Maxutov, the Chairman of the Board at “Samruk-Energy” JSC, also attended the meeting.

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The negotiations in Astana focused primarily on the interaction between the republics within the framework of the Central Asian Unified Energy System in the upcoming autumn and winter of 2023–2024, including the provision of electricity in the region, as well as the implementation of the project for the construction of the Kambarata HPP–1 in neighboring Kyrgyzstan.

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The meeting participants decided to continue working on issues related to the electricity metering mechanism, the resolution of irregular electricity flows between the economic operators of the republics, and its transit from third countries during discussions of current issues in the development of the energy sector of neighboring Central Asian states. Additionally, the parties pledged that they would do every effort to properly navigate the approaching autumn-winter period within the framework of mutual support given the region's low water period.

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  The three nations' collaboration in the areas of water and energy will continue to be discussed and consulted on. Before the end of this year, the heads of the energy and water supply ministries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan will meet again.

Samruk-Energy head met with Chinese energy companies

Kairat Maxutov, the Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC made a business trip to the People's Republic of China, and in the country's capital, Beijing, held a number of significant meetings with the major Chinese businesses with expertise in a variety of energy-related fields.

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The head of Kazakhstani power holding company visited the headquarters of such companies as Energy China, Power China, CMEC, TBEA, MITIME, China Railway, and China Huadian as part of the trip.

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The potential for “Samruk-Energy” JSC and Chinese partners to work together in the joint construction, retrofit, and reconstruction of energy infrastructure on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan was considered during the meetings. Chinese businesses showcased the most recent innovations and technological approaches utilized in the construction of hydropower plants, flexible energy sources, and renewable energy infrastructure. As regards reduction of emissions and the cost of conventional fuel, the Kazakh company representatives also learned about new technology for the renovation and modernization of coal plants.

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The talks also covered the prospects for obtaining funding for the projects in “Samruk-Energy” JSC's project portfolio in addition to the production and technological aspects of the collaboration.

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Chinese business representatives stated their willingness to take part in energy projects for Kazakhstan's development, modernization, and reconstruction of power plants.

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“Samruk-Energy” JSC CEO also met with Shakhrat Nuryshev, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China, during the business trip. Kairat Maxutov briefed the Kazakh Ambassador about the long-term plans for cooperation with Chinese businesses, shared the positive results of previous joint projects, and also discussed the preparations for the upcoming One Belt, One Road Forum, which is scheduled to be held on October 17-18, 2023 in Beijing.

“Samruk-Energy” JSC team secured the second position at the VIII Spartakiad dedicated to the 15th anniversary of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC

In Astana, the VIII Spartakiad among employees of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC group of companies concluded, marking the 15th anniversary of the Fund. The sports team representing the power holding company, “Samruk-Energy” JSC, secured the second position in the tournament, earning 6 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze medal. Power engineers- athletes were only surpassed by the team from “NC “KazMunayGas” JSC, which claimed the Spartakiad's top prize – the Super Cup. The third-place honor went to the team from “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC.

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Representatives from 16 companies of the Fund participated in the extensive competition encompassing 11 sports. This sporting event, organized by Kazakhstan's largest employer with over 250,000 employees, promotes a healthy lifestyle and served as a true celebration for 845 employees and their families.

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In “Samruk-Energy” JSC team, the 1st place in their sports was taken by:

- Ruslan Rakhmetov, chess (Ekibastuz SDPP-2)

- Uliana Kaplich, swimming (Ekibastuz SDPP-1)

- Indira Baizhanova, arm wrestling, over 65 kg. (AZhC)

- Kristina Grinchenko, arm wrestling, up to 65 kg. (Ekibastuz SDPP-2)

- Asyk atu team (the team was formed from athletes from Bogatyr Komir and AZhC)

- Arkan tartu team (the team was formed from AZhC athletes)

2nd place:

- Kamila Erdyakova, table tennis (Bogatyr Komir)

- Cyber-sports team (the team was formed from AlES athletes)

3rd place:

- Maginur Latypova, togyz kumalak (Bogatyr Komir).


"The three-day anniversary sports and athletics event has come to an end. We commenced the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Samruk-Kazyna Fund as one united team, showcasing a splendid corporate spirit and unity. Approximately 1,000 employees from all corners of Kazakhstan exhibited their dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Our colleagues not only competed fiercely but also showed great respect for each other, fostering a strong sense of teamwork and unity. Allow me to extend my congratulations to the champions who claimed the Super Cup at the eighth Spartakiad. I wish happiness and prosperity to your families. Let us collectively strive to attain our objectives, my friends!", -  Gibrat Auganov, the Managing Director for Corporate Governance, Social and Labor Relations, and Occupational Safety of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC, congratulated his colleagues.

The primary aim of the Spartakiad is to fortify the corporate culture and bonds within the team, motivating all participants to rally around a common objective and pursue victory under the banner of "One team - one goal!" Companies distinguished as reliable partners in sectors such as oil and gas, metallurgy, energy, transport, and others determined the sporting finishers through fair competition.

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Awards were given to exceptional performers in both individual sports, spanning table tennis, chess, togyzkumalak, arm wrestling, and swimming, as well as in team sports such as futsal, volleyball, basketball, tug of war, asyk atu, and cybersport. For more comprehensive information about medal winners, you can refer to the social media profiles of the VIII Spartakiad @spartakiada.sk.

The RK Minister of Energy inspects progress of repair works at Ekibastuz energy facilities of “Samruk-Energy" JSC

Today, Almassadam Satkaliyev, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited Ekibastuz SDPP-1 power plant as part of his business trip to the region.

Asan Naurzgaliyev, Director General of “Ekibastuz SDPP-1” LLP, provided the Minister with an update on the plant's operations, preparations for the heating season, and the progress of investment projects. The plant is currently carrying out the "Restoration of Power Unit No. 1" project, which aims to increase Ekibastuz SDPP-1's capacity to 4,000 MW. The primary objective of this project is to meet the electricity demand and reduce shortages in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Additionally, it will ensure compliance with environmental standards by installing advanced electrostatic precipitators. The project is budgeted at approximately 162 billion tenge, with completion anticipated by the end of 2023.

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Furthermore, construction works have resumed on power unit No. 3 at Ekibastuz SDPP-2, with an estimated project cost of approximately 450 bn. tenge. The commissioning of this new power unit is set to boost the station's capacity to 1,600 MW by 2026. Moreover, the execution of this project will create circa 1,400 jobs during the construction phase and more than 350 jobs during the operational phase. This information was provided by Zhandos Medeuov, Chairman of the Board of “Ekibastuz SDPP-2” JSC.

The results of "Zheti qadam" program for nurturing young leaders including “Samruk-Energy” JSC employees, were summed up

Today, Samruk-Kazyna Fund has announced the outcomes of “Zheti qadam" modular program designed to foster the development of young leaders.

“Zhet qadam” program was created as part of our commitment to support youth policies, aiming to cultivate future leaders from among young and effective staff of Samruk-Kazyna Fund and its portfolio companies. The program focuses on teaching them the techniques of implementing managerial competencies, enhancing their communication skills, fostering teamwork, and instill an understanding of budget planning principles.

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“Samruk-Energy” JSC employees also participated in the program, including Aseliya Mendybayeva (Ekibastuz SDPP-1), Chingiz Zhuirikov (AlmatyEnergoSbyt), Gulmanat Zhuman (AlmatyEnergoSbyt), Madiyar Kulkashev (AZhC), as well as Mukhtar Farhaduly (Samruk-Energy’s Head office).

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The initial selection phase commenced last November in Turkestan during a youth forum, where 49 individuals out of 200 participants were chosen based on a unique challenge. Subsequently, these selected individuals were divided into seven teams, with each team assigned two experienced mentors from the presidential youth talent pool. Seven training modules were conducted across seven cities in Kazakhstan.

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In his welcome address, Nurlan Zhakupov, “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC CEO, emphasized that the primary focus of the Fund's personnel policy is human capital. Currently, Samruk-Kazyna group employs over 80,000 specialists under the age of 35. "They receive special attention to harness their potential to the fullest extent", Zhakupov stated.

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Gibrat Auganov, Managing Director for Corporate Governance, Social and Labor Relations, and OHS of “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC, expressed gratitude to all participants and mentors, while highlighting the significance of this event in light of the 15th anniversary of Samruk-Kazyna Fund. Auganov also mentioned the newly approved personnel policy for 2022 and expressed hope that all seven projects presented during the program would contribute to the development of the group's companies.

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Participants spent seven months preparing for their project presentations. The evaluation panel in the final phase included individuals from the Board of Directors and top executives of companies within the Fund's portfolio.

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Each project had to adhere to the following criteria:

1. Applicability across “Samruk-Kazyna’ JSC group of companies, meaning it should be scalable

2. Economic viability, including project calculations and sound rationale

3. Alignment with ESG principles

4. Practical utility.

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The jury recognized the "Reduction of the hydrocarbon footprint at enterprises" project as the top-performing project in “Zheti qadam” program. The second place was awarded to the "Implementation of youth policy" project, while the third place was secured by the team focusing on the "Safety culture at enterprises" project. These winners are now tasked with implementation of their projects within one of the group's companies over the next two years.

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Energy facilities within Almaty city are actively getting ready for the upcoming heating season

The energy enterprises within Almaty energy complex of “Samruk-Energy” JSC are currently engaged in planned activities to prepare for the upcoming autumn-winter heating period of 2023-2024.

Today, representatives from the Department of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Almaty visited one of the energy facilities of  "Almaty Power Plants" JSC (APP) – Almaty CHP-2. Their purpose was to observe the progress of repair work being carried out at the station.

“APP” JSC contributes to Almaty's power needs by supplying 51.4% of its electricity and 70% of its heat within the district heating zone. The electric capacity of the facilities is 1,235.7 MW, with a thermal capacity of 4,049 Gcal. These production capabilities enable the annual generation of over 5 billion kWh of electricity and more than 5.3 million Gcal of heat.

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Almaty CHP-2, named after A. Zhakutov, stands as Kazakhstan's largest thermal power plant in terms of the combined production of electricity and heat. Its installed electric capacity is 510 MW, complemented by a thermal capacity of 1411 Gcal/h. A network of long technological pipelines connects it to other energy sources of APP company, including CHP-1 and the Western Thermal Complex (WTC). These three energy sources, CHP-1, CHP-2 and WTC, working in tandem, ensure the reliable provision of heat to consumers in Almaty city while maintaining a balancing effect.

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During the visit, the Department was briefed on the preparations for the impending heating period, along with the progress made in implementing the investment program for regulated services. APP specialists highlighted that, in anticipation of the 2023-2024 heating season, a schedule for repairing the main equipment was developed, approved, and coordinated with the national dispatch center of the system operator “KEGOC” JSC. As part of this repair campaign, plans are in place to address 70 units of essential equipment (including boilers, turbines, and hydro units) as well as two heating mains of CHP-2-WTC. Currently, 48 units, accounting for 68% of the total, have undergone repair.

Significant focus was directed towards the execution of “Almaty Power Plants” JSC's investment program for regulated services. The commitments pertaining to the investment program for thermal energy production services from 2022 to 2026 are subject to adjustments. These adjustments have been approved through a collaborative order issued by the Departments of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Almaty, Almaty region, and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These adjustments are geared towards the capital construction, overhaul, and diagnostics of production facilities.

The head of the PC "Qazaq Green Power PLC" has been appointed

Yernar Zhanadil has been appointed as the Director General of the Public Company "Qazaq Green Power PLC" by the decision of “Samruk-Energy” JSC Board of Directors.

Kairat Maxutov, the Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC, introduced the new director to the company's staff.


Zhanadil Yernar Beysenuly was born on December 15, 1984.

He studied at the University of Manchester (UK) at the Manchester Business School and holds international professional certificates from the Institute of Management Accountants (USA), International Project Management Association (Switzerland), and Association of Chartered Accountants (UK).

He has worked in several Kazakhstani and foreign companies, as well as held various positions within “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC. Prior to his current appointment, he served as the Managing Director for Development and Privatization at “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC.


The Head of Samruk-Kazyna Fund pays a visit to energy facilities in Ekibastuz

Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Kazyna” Fund, Nurlan Zhakupov, conducted a visit to the enterprises within the Ekibastuz energy complex of “Samruk-Energy” JSC. Kairat Maxutov, Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC, provided a comprehensive update to the Fund's Head on the ongoing preparations for the upcoming autumn-winter heating season and the crucial investment projects underway in the country's energy sector.

The Ekibastuz energy complex comprises several entities under the power holding “Samruk-Energy” JSC, such as the renowned coal mines of “Bogatyr Komir” LLP and the power plants Ekibastuz SDPP-1 and SDPP-2. Kairat Maxutov assured that the repair work at these facilities is proceeding as planned, with the approval of the national dispatch center of the system operator “KEGOC” JSC. Furthermore, a systematic accumulation of coal in warehouses is well underway to meet the demands of the autumn season in 2023-2024.

The visit commenced at the “Bogatyr” coal mine of “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, Kazakhstan's largest open pit coal mining company. With a workforce of 6,550 employees, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP has an annual production capacity of 42 million tons of coal, 32 million of which are extracted from the “Bogatyr” open pit and 10 million from the “Severny” open pit. Impressively, at the end of 2022, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP accounted for approximately 40% (42.5 mln. tons) of Kazakhstan's total coal production. Their yearly thermal coal shipments cater to energy-producing organizations in both Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

During the visit to the Bogatyr open pit, Nurlan Zhakupov was briefed on the ongoing project to introduce a continuous and cyclic coal supply technology (CCT). This project, expected to be completed in August, will gradually reach its design capacity, thereby increasing fuel shipments to consumers.

The next point of visit was the power plant  "Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov" LLP, a flagship entity in Kazakhstan's energy sector with an installed capacity of 4,000 MW and a disposable capacity of 3,500 MW. ESDPP-1 reached a remarkable milestone by generating 23 billion kWh of electricity by the end of 2022, marking a record achievement in its operational history. Notably, in the first six months of the current year, the station generated 11.2 billion kWh, surpassing the previous year's output by 3%.

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During the visit, Nurlan Zhakupov inspected the block control panel of power unit No. 1 and gained insight into the progress of its restoration. Upon the unit's commissioning by the year's end, the plant's installed capacity will stand at 4,000 MW. The project's primary objective is to augment the plant's available capacity to meet the growing demand and reduce electricity shortages in Kazakhstan. The restoration of power unit No. 1 has also contributed to the creation of new jobs for 500-700 individuals during its implementation phase, with 54 individuals set to be employed during its operational period. Furthermore, the project ensures compliance with environmental standards through the installation of modern electrostatic precipitators. The timely completion of the "Restoration of power unit No. 1" project is firmly planned.

Currently, a significant overhaul of Power Unit No. 3 is underway, with long-term coal supply contracts already in place. Following a working trip that included visits to various energy facilities, the Chairman of the Board of  "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC concluded the journey by inspecting  "Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Station" JSC.

This power station boasts an installed electrical capacity of 1000 MW, producing approximately 6.0 billion kWh of electricity annually. Additionally, it supplies heat to the neighboring Solnechny village. Impressively, in the first six months of the current year, the station generated 3.0 billion kWh, marking a 5% increase compared to the same period last year.

The scheduled repair campaign for 2023 at the station is progressing as planned, with Power Unit No. 2 undergoing significant repairs from May 2 to July 26. Upon completion, the focus will shift to the current repairs of Power Unit No. 1. Adequate fuel reserves (coal and fuel oil) have been accumulated in the station's warehouses, ensuring timely delivery to support operations.

During the visit to SDPP-2, the Head of “Samruk-Kazyna” Fund also gained insights into the progress of projects related to the construction of power units No. 3 and No. 4 at the plant. Power unit No. 3 is anticipated to have a capacity of 636 MW, with a projected annual generation of 4.8 billion kWh. The commissioning of this power unit will substantially reduce the electricity shortage in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Samruk-Energy” JSC - the largest power holding company in Kazakhstan, established in 2007. Its main activities encompass the production of electricity and heat, transmission, distribution, and sale of electricity, as well as thermal coal mining. Within the holding, there are various energy and coal enterprises, including “Ekibastuz SDPP-1” LLP, “Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, “Almaty Power Plants” JSC, “Moynak HPP” JSC, “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, and others. All of the company's shares, amounting to 100%, are owned by “Samruk-Kazyna” SWF JSC.

New head appointed at "Samruk-Green Energy" LLP

By the decision of "Qazaq Green Power PLC" an open joint-stock company Board of Directors, Dolkin Islamov has been appointed as the Director General of "Samruk-Green Energy" LLP. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Samruk-Green Energy" LLP, Aidar Ryskulov, who also serves as the Managing Director of Economics and Finance at "Samruk-Energy" JSC, introduced the company's new head to the team.

Islamov Dolkin Usmanovich was born on July 11, 1966, in the Zhetysu region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 He holds a higher education degree in economics and engineering.

With a total work experience of 32 years, including over 14 years in the energy sector, he has been working with "Samruk-Energy" JSC group of companies since 2009. During this time, he served as the head of the technical audit department at "Alatau Zharyk Company" JSC and acted as an advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the company.


Samruk-Energy CEO visited the facilities of the Ekibastuz energy complex

The companies operating within the Ekibastuz energy complex of "Samruk-Energy" JSC, namely Ekibastuz SDPP-1 and SDPP-2, as well as "Bogatyr Komir" LLP, are currently engaged in planned activities to prepare for the upcoming autumn-winter heating season and are actively implementing crucial investment projects in the energy sector of the country. During a business trip, Kairat Maxutov, the Chairman of the Board of "Samruk-Energy" JSC, visited the production sites of these facilities.

The visit commenced at the "Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov" LLP power plant, which stands as a flagship of the Kazakh energy sector with an installed capacity of 4,000 MW and a disposable capacity of 3,500 MW. Upon the completion of power unit No. 1 by the end of this year, the plant's available capacity will reach 4,000 MW. ESDPP-1 achieved a record-breaking electricity generation volume of 23 billion kWh by the end of 2022, marking the highest figure in the station's history. For the first half of this year, the station has generated 11.2 billion kWh, representing a 3% increase compared to the same period last year.

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In preparation for the 2023-2024 heating season, ESDPP-1 has developed and approved a schedule for the repair of its main equipment. The repair campaign aims to address all power units, with power unit No. 3 currently undergoing major overhaul. Long-term coal supply contracts have been signed, and repair works are progressing as planned, in coordination with the national dispatch center of the system operator, “KEGOC” JSC. Adequate coal reserves are being systematically accumulated for the upcoming autumn and winter period of 2023-2024.

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Kairat Maxutov emphasized the importance of the station's readiness for the 2023-2024 autumn-winter season, including the successful implementation of the repair campaign and the timely accumulation of coal reserves. He also set the task of ensuring the timely completion of the "Restoration of power unit No. 1" project.

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Next, the visit proceeded to the power plant of "Ekibastuz SDPP-2" JSC. With an installed electrical capacity of 1000 MW, the station annually generates approximately 6.0 billion kWh of electricity and provides heat to the Solnechny village. During the first half of this year, the station generated 3.0 billion kWh, marking a 5% increase compared to the same period last year.

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Kairat Maxutov familiarized himself with the progress of the repair campaign for 2023. From May 2 to July 26, power unit No. 2 is undergoing overhaul, and upon its completion, power unit No. 1 is scheduled for current repair. Adequate fuel reserves, including coal and fuel oil, have been accumulated in the station's warehouses, and timely deliveries are being made. Contracts for fuel supply in the current year have been secured. Additionally, the power plant's management provided an update on the progress of projects for the construction of power units No. 3 and No. 4.

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Lastly, the Chairman of the Board visited the Bogatyr open pit mine, where he was briefed on the progress of the project for the implementation of continuous and cyclic methods of coal supply. "Bogatyr Komir" annually supplies approximately 42 million tons of thermal coal to energy-producing organizations in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The completion of the Continuous and Cyclic Method project is expected to enhance coal shipments to consumers, with the facility's commissioning planned for August of this year.

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“Samruk-Energy” JSC is the largest power holding company in Kazakhstan, 100% owned by “Samruk-Kazyna” SWF” JSC. It was established in 2007. Key  business lines are  electricity and heat production; transmission, distribution and sale of electricity, power coal mining. The Company was established in 2007, “Samruk-Kazyna” SWF” JSC holds 100% of shares.  The holding company comprises energy and coal enterprises, including “Ekibastuz SDPP-1” LLP, “Ekibastuz SDPP-2 Plant” JSC, “Bogatyr Komir” LLP, “Almaty Power Plants” JSC, “Moynak HPP” JSC, “Shardarinsk HPP” JSC, etc.

Appointment of the Director General of “Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov” LLP

Asan Naurzgaliyev has been appointed as the Director General of “Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov” LLP by the decision of “Samruk-Energy” JSC Board of Directors. The new CEO was introduced to the station's team by Kairat Maksutov, Chairman of the Board of “Samruk-Energy” JSC.

Naurzgaliyev Asan Akimgaliyevich was born on April 30, 1978.

He graduated from Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications in 2000 with a degree in "Thermal Power Engineering, Thermal Power Plants." He began his career in 2000 as a steam turbine operator at “Kazakhmys SDPP” LLP and was later promoted to senior turbine operator in 2003. In 2004, he served as the deputy head of technical engineering department. From March 2007, he held the position of a thermal engineer at “Ekibastuz SDPP-1, and in 2009, he became the deputy head of the development and reconstruction Group. Starting from 2010, he served as the chief of the department for the installation and repair of electrostatic precipitators. From 2011 to 2014, he held the position of head of maintenance planning department, and from 2015 to 2018, he was appointed as the head of capital repairs at “Ekibastuz SDPP-1 named after Bolat Nurzhanov” LLP.

From 2019 to 2023, he worked at “ERG Capital Projects” LLP group of companies on management projects CHP of the Sokolov-Sarbai Mining Production Association (SSGPO) JSC - replacing steam boilers and turbines.